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CNC Router Training - Wednesday Virtual Class + Wednesday Hands-On

  • April 17, 2024
  • 6:30 PM
  • May 01, 2024
  • 8:30 PM
  • Concord Makerspace
  • 0


  • Documentation from the board at your respective makerspace may be required

Registration is closed

This class is intended for future users of the Concord Makerspace's CNC router and does include homework. If your interest in the CNC is cursory only, we suggest you attend one of the demos we will be conducting later in the year.

This class is 3 sessions altogether. There is a joint virtual class on 4/17/2024 which all students should attend. It will be recorded so you can watch as often as you like. 

The class is followed by two hands-on sessions. This posting is for the Wednesday hands on sessions 4/24 and 5/1. If you would prefer Wednesday evenings please sign up for that section. You may not mix and match as we need to balance the number of students to maximize everyone's hands on time.

The final class 5/1/24 is the machine checkout. Each student is required to execute a simple project to be cleared to use the machine independently. Please email your project to the instructor in advance for review. If you are not able to complete your project design by this time, please let the instructor know so a make-up can be scheduled (fee to members $20 for solo instruction). You are welcome to attend and learn by watching the execution of other student's projects, but you cannot be cleared to use the machine on 5/1 unless you have created a project, and then successfully executed it.

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