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This embeded site is the Concord Makerspace's Wild Apricot site. This site is specific to how we book, schedule events and manage membership makerspace. You can find all of our events listed here in real time. This is also the place where you access the information and forms used to sign up for classes, become a member, and make secure donations.

Cyanotype Image Printing Workshop

  • December 04, 2021
  • 12:00 PM - 2:00 PM
  • MakingMatters, 88 Village Street Penacook NH 03303
  • 6


Registration is closed

Students will learn the basics of Cyanotype Printing including paper preparation, using the exposure unit, working in a light sensitive room, and exposing a print using a negative. Students are encouraged to bring a JPG image but aren't required toStudents will leave with a negative and a finished print.

This free class is part of our community outreach to make art accessible during the Route 3 Art Trail. Seats are limited! Donations to our scholarship fund are cheerfully accepted.

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