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This embeded site is the Concord Makerspace's Wild Apricot site. This site is specific to how we book, schedule events and manage membership makerspace. You can find all of our events listed here in real time. This is also the place where you access the information and forms used to sign up for classes, become a member, and make secure donations.

Making it as a Maker

  • February 16, 2021
  • 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM
  • Virtual- register at bit.ly/makeitasamaker


Registration is closed

We're celebrating National Entrepreneurship Week by showcasing local makers and the business they're staring. Making it as a Maker will feature three panelists that will share their stories and lessons learned building their maker businesses. Join us to get ideas, insights, and inspiration to move your hobby to the next level or grow your maker business. This event is free and all are welcome and encouraged to attend. 

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