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This embeded site is the Concord Makerspace's Wild Apricot site. This site is specific to how we book, schedule events and manage membership makerspace. You can find all of our events listed here in real time. This is also the place where you access the information and forms used to sign up for classes, become a member, and make secure donations.

Mason Jar Snowglobes

  • December 06, 2020
  • 4:00 PM - 5:30 PM
  • 88 Village Street, Penacook NH 03303
  • 8


  • Tuition $8 and $10 for materials
  • $10 Tuition, $10 material fee

In this workshop participants will design and make their own lasercut decorations and assemble mason jar snowglobe decorations.

*Independent laser cutter operation requires further training ( members only)

This class is in-person at the maker space and has a limit of 6 participants.  All participants will be required to wear a mask and maintain social distancing Covid protocals.

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